Original Vintage Memorabilia Collectibles Marilyn Monroe Photos Photography For Sale. Original Vintage Andre de Dienes Large Photo (11x12.25).
CVtreasures is your #1 Source for Authentic Original Vintage TYPE I Historical Photography. The Picasso of 20th Century Investment Grade Celebrity Photography! NOTE: On August 4, 2022 was the 60th Anniversary of the sudden and highly suspicious death of Ms.
Monroe at only 36 years old. The true nature of her death remains a mystery to this day. When you say the name Andre de Dienes, most collectors will immediately think of the most notable Marilyn Monroe photographer, Andre de Dienes. There is no other photographer that captured, with such high quality detail, as Andre de Dienes. And his Original photos can rival some of the most expensive art. From an original 1949 photo shoot, an incredibly captivating close-up of a spellbinding Marilyn in bathing suit on Santa Monica beach looking straight into the camera waving. A particularly captiving and exceptionally large image. Exceptionally Large 1949 Marilyn Monroe Original Photograph. Offered is a stunning Large MARILYN MONROE deluxe 11x12.25 still, smiling & eating ice cream by Andre De Dienes! A particularly intriguing intimate moment as Marilyn smiles at the camera ready to devour a scoop of ice cream! Mild wear exhibited with photographer stampings on the reverse.So when I opened the package and pulled out this gem of a treasure I was utterly impressed how amazing it looks In Person. Holding this spectacular super glossy Large Marilyn photo in my hands, was so surreal it looked like Marilyn would start speaking to me any second!
NOTE: The red Andre de Dienes stamp on center back is an style older address as indicated with use of "Calif" insteaed of the "CA". Hence, we suspect this photo (although first taken in 1949-50) was produced by Andre in the 1960-70s from Andre de Diene's original negative, and loaned out for publication a few times years thereafter.
We further researched this De Dienes photography shoot and discovered this was at Wil Wright's famous Ice Cream parlor in 1953. Below is an except from an article about Wil Wrights. Even Marilyn Monroe was a fan of Wil Wright's ice cream, but not the Nesselrode Bula. Marilyn fed her voluptuous figure with their hot fudge sundae.
Marilyn is quoted saying, It's a good thing, I suppose, that I eat simply during the day, for in recent months I have developed the habit of stopping off at Wil Wright's ice cream parlor for a hot fudge sundae on my way home from my evening drama classes. I'm sure I couldn't allow myself this indulgence were it not that my normal diet is comprised almost totally of protein foods. Google Marilyn at Wil Wright's Ice Cream Parlor, to see is a video of Marilyn at Wright's.In 1945 Dienes met the nineteen-year-old Marilyn Monroe, then called Norma Jeane Baker, who was a model on the books of Emmeline Snively's Blue Book Model Agency. Snively told Dienes of Norma Jeane, and suggested her for his project of photographing artistic nudes.
Norma Jeane seemed to be like an angel. I could hardly believe it for a few moments. NOTE: To put some perspective on the value and significance of this historical photo.. In particular Andre de Dienes "Marilyn Monroe" photos are considered the holy grails, the masterpieces of Monroe photography.
There may be no other Marilyn Monroe photographer that attracts such intense demand as an Andre de Dienes. A Piccasso among early/mid 20th century celebrity photographers. And among the Andre de Dienes Marilyn Collection, this is clearly one of the most captivating Close Ups of the iconic movie star. And worthy of hanging beside any Master Artist's work. See enlargeable images above Guaranteed Authentic TYPE I Original.
Note: Cvtreasures stamp Not on original.